Independant Family Funeral Directors


& Memorials

Headstones and memorials are available for purchase directly through Park Funeral Directors. A helpful member of staff will sit with you and run through a selection of commemorative solutions to suit both your wishes as well as your budget. We can arrange for gravestone inscriptions to be added to existing memorials for shared plots. Not to mention, we have our own approved stonemason who can craft stones from scratch, in various styles and designs. Our dedicated and caring staff can make memorial arrangements as part of our funeral planning process. Moreover, we can also offer headstones and memorial plaques as a stand-alone service. So, speak to our staff for more information and discuss the options available for remembering your loved one.

What Is A Memorial?

A memorial is a physical structure that can serve as a reminder of an event as well as a person. In the event of a death, it also provides a place to lay flowers, pray, or pay your respects in person. Memorials are not limited to cemetery headstones. So, whether you are arranging a religious burial, cremation, or another type of funeral, such as green burials, we can help you make memorial arrangements.

Local Stonemason

Our approved local stonemason works with a number of quality materials, thus crafting traditional and ornate memorials of all shapes and sizes. Park Funeral Directors can provide a range of options depending on your budget. Moreover, we will personally deliver your exact specifications to our stonemason, who will produce you a top-quality piece.

Types of Memorials

Types of memorials include:


The most widely recognised form of memorial, headstones come in many different materials including granite, sandstone, and slate as well as marble. Headstones are usually marked with inscriptions including names, dates or messages of love. Furthermore, some may be mounted with vases, urns, plaques or plates, typically made from bronze or other durable substances.


Commonly made from bronze and consisting of an inscription commemorating the deceased, plaques are versatile and can be placed in numerous locations. However, it may be necessary to seek permission from landowners or local authorities to place a plaque in some locations. Park Funeral Directors can help you make arrangements to order plaques in a multitude of styles, colours and designs.

Gravestone Designs

Depending on the burial site, there may be rules regarding the style of tombstone you can have. Thus, Park Funeral Directors will consult with the cemetery in order to present the options available to you. There are many gravestone designs available, including:

Alternative Memorials

Often in combination with a plate or plaque of commemoration, alternative memorials include:

Contact Park Funeral Directors

Speak to a member of our experienced and dedicated staff to discuss headstones and memorials. Park Funeral Directors will take care of your order and oversee production, care of our talented stonemason.